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Odessa national medical university

Odessa National Medical University started in 1900 and soon become one of the most prestigious medical faculties in Ukraine. It is a government university with the rights of self governing. Odessa National Medical University has completed its 100 years of existence. The university consists of 66 departments and has a significant student population of over 10 thousand, including foreign students from very diverse countries.This university is a member of the International and European Association of Universities. It has level 4 accreditation. 

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4370 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 1000 $ pa;   MCI Passing | 18 %


Danylo halytsky lviv national medical university

Danylo Halystsky lviv National Medical University has started counting of its age since 1784. On October 21, 1998 the university was granted the name of Danylo Halystsky, the first king of Halychyna-Ukraine. On October 21, 2003 according to the decree of the president of Ukraine the university conferred a degree of National. In 2009 university celebrated its 225th anniversary. In this university 78 departments are occupied with about 1259 scientists, 122 professors, 382 associate professors, including 151 Doctor of science and there are more than 684 Phd degree holders. 

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4900 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 1000 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 20 %

Kharkiv National Medical University

It is a medical university in Kharkiv, Ukraine established in 1805. It was first known as Kharkiv State Medical University. At present, over 700 teachers work at departments of the university. There are more than 10,000 students currently studying in the university. More than 3000 among them are from other countries. Staff capacity is 5 corresponding to members of NAMN Ukraine, 17 honoured scientist of Ukraine, 2 honored high school Ukraine, 13 distinguished doctors of Ukraine, 8 winners of the state prize of Ukraine in science and engineering, 28 academicians of the public academies of Ukraine, 28 employees-member of International Medical Associations.  

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4800 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 1000 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 17.64 %

National piragov memorial medical university - vinnytsya

NPMMU-National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya is a medical university of National status in Ukraine. National Pirogov Memorial Medical University was founded in the year of 1921. This university is certified and accredidated with IV level of accrediation. Currently there are more than 6000 students including more than 2000 foreign students. In total this university have produced more than 44000 doctors. NPMMU, Vinnytsya, has all the clinical facilities, teaching laboratories, lecture theaters and libraries. This infrastructure, dedicated team of internationally acknowledged world leaders and of highly trained technical staff, provides the ideal learning environment for medical students.

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 5000 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 1000 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 13.60 %

V.n. karazin kharkiv national university

Following the efforts of prominent Ukrainian intellectual Vasily Karazin, after whom the university is named, the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv national university was founded in november 1804 as the Kharkiv university. It is one of the leading Research and educational institute of Ukraine. Today the university has 124 departments and 21 schools. There are more than 15000 students studying here. For teaching and research university is having 308 doctor of science, full professors, about 800 Phd’s, associate professors including 15 acamedicians.

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4500 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 1000 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 10.64 %

Ternopil National Medical University

Ternopil National Medical University (Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University is the Government university Run by-Ministry of Health of Ukraine. It is a medical university located in the city of Ternopil in Ukraine.TNMU was founded on 12 April 1957 as a Ternopil Medical Institute. On July 1, 1992, the institute was named after Ivan Horbachevsky. On December 30, 1997, it received the status of State Medical Academy, and on 17 November 2004, after reorganization, the institution became Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University.According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine in 2019, I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University received the status of a national university.

Ternopil State Medical University is listed in the FAIMER (International Medical Education) directory under ECFMG and the WHO (World Health Organization) directory of Medical Universities/Schools. TSMU’s degree is recognized by WHO, US Education Department, General Medical Council of England, and in EU countries.

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 3800 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 850 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 21.74 %

Bogomolets National Medical University

Bogomolets National Medical University (NMU) is a medical school founded in 1841 in KyivRussian Empire by the Russian Tsar Nicolas I. The university is named after physiologist Alexander A. Bogomolets. NMU provides medical training for over 10,000 students, including about 1,300 foreigners from 56 countries.The university employs about 1,200 teaching staff. Bogomolets National Medical University is one of the best medical universities in Ukraine.The degree of the university is recognized by the world’s most credible organizations like WHOUNESCOMCI. Bogomolets National Medical University has around 1500 professors. Included in the numbers are 855 Phd and 205 Doctors of Sciences. Thus, the students are trained by expert professionals and academicians in the field of medicine

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4500 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 1000 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 33.33 %

Sumy State Medical University

Sumy State Medical University was founded in 1992 as the Medical Faculty of Sumy State University. Such scholars and teachers, as Prof. Markevych V.E., Prof. Ataman A.V., and Prof. Sykora V.Z. were at the source of the Institute. In 2009, SumDU Medical Institute was included to the list of universities database of the World Health Organization

Medical Institute is registered in the list of universities of International Medical Educational Dictionary, and its graduate degrees are accredited by Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (USA)

According to the Resolution of the State Accreditation Committee of Ukraine, SumDU Medical Institute received the right to prepare specialists of the major “Dentistry” from 27 December 2012. During 20 years, the medical research institution appeared, and the Institute has got its achievements and traditions. The Institute graduated 2,000 physicians, 1,500 of which work in hospitals mainly in Sumy Oblast.

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4300 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 750 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 27.27 %

Bukovinian state Medical University

Bukovinian State Medical University was established in 1931 and today is one of the largest higher educational establishment in Chernivtsi. It is a modern multiprofile educational institution of the IV accreditation level, included into the general register of the WHOMagna Charta Universitatum (Bologna, Italy), the Association of the Carpathian Region Universities that provides qualified training according to the grade system of education.BSMU includes 6 faculties and 49 departments . In this college there are more than 5800 students including 1800 foreign students, 103 Doctors of Science, 422 Candidates of Science, 80 – Professors, 245 – Associate Professors,1 – Senior Scientifiс Research Assistant.

The University staff includes 16 Honoured Doctors of Ukraine; Honoured Science Worker; Honoured Educationalist; 2 Laureates of the State Prize in the field of science and technology.

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 3900 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 500 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 36.60%

Ivano Frankivsk National Medical University

The university is situated in Ivano city in the northwest of Ukraine and is a leading higher education establishment in the region, with a higher accreditation level. The university provides continuity of higher medical education: Junior Specialist – a Bachelor – a Medical Specialist – a Master – a post graduate. The university history started in 1945 and is listed in the WHO Directory of Medical Schools and in the US FAIMER International Medical Education Directory (IMED).The university is one of the few Medical Universities in Ukraine to be designated as a “National Medical University” by the government of Ukraine.It is a member of the association of universities, European association of universities, World Health Organization, and other international organizations. Around 4000 foreign students attend from all over the world, including the US, Western Europe, Australia, Africa, India and parts of Asia. The university contains 48 departments.

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4000 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 800 $ pa;   MCI Passing  | 35.23 %

Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University is a Ukrainian national university in Mykolayiv.On 14 June 2016, Petro Mohyla BSSU achieved the status of the national university by the Decree of the President Petro Poroshenko.The University is recognized as the best university in Mykolayiv oblast (region) by the UNESCO international ranking “Top-100 Ukraine”.

According to international survey PMBSNU takes high places among the best universities of Ukraine in recent years. It is unquestionable leader in the quality and quantity of academic exchange programs for students and lecturers

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 3800 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 700 $ pa;  

Taras Shevchenko National University

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is today a classic university with a distinct research profile, and the leading contemporary academic and educational hub of Ukraine.There are 13 Faculties and 8 Institutes within the university.The University awards Junior Specialist’s, Bachelor’s, Higher Qualification Post-graduate degrees and Doctoral degrees. Overall, about 26 thousand students and students of a military school, 1,660 postgraduate students and about 130 PhD students are working for higher qualifications at the University.The high status of a classical research University is underpinned by the numerous academic achievements of its staff. The staff at the University have a broad range of formal achievements recognised, in particular with the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Awards from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4700 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 1000 $ pa  

Dnepropetrovsk State Medical University

Dnipro State Medical University was founded in September 15, 1916 from the Ekaterynoslavsky higher female courses Institute.On March 16th 2021, the government of Ukraine through the Ministry of Health of Ukraine order # 473 ordered the name of the institution to be changed to Dnipro State Medical University

At present there are 2000 + International students studying in DSMA in Under graduate and Post graduate field.

It has 4500 students and since its creation has trained about 49,000 doctorsdentistspharmacists and nurses

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4211 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 750 $ pa;  MCI Passing | 30.99 %

Uzhhorod National University

It was founded on October 18, 1945 . It is one of the classic universities of Ukraine, accredited at the IV (highest) level of accreditation. Uzhhorod National University has a full-time academic staff comprising 1285 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 158 doctors of sciences, professors, and 715 candidates of sciences and associate professors.

The University is included in the list of the best – in terms of educational, scientific, international, innovative and information activities – higher education institutions of Ukraine, occupying 20th positions in the consolidated ranking, 11th place in the Webometrics rating, 14th – in the SciVerse Scopus rating, 12th – in the U- rating. Multirank, 13th in the QS EECA University Rankings and 11th in the TOP-200 rankings of Ukrainian universities.

Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 3800 $ pa; Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 850 $ pa ; MCI Passing | 32.10 %

Poltava Ukrainian Medical & Stomatological Academy

Poltava Ukrainian Medical & Stomatological Academy as Poltava State Medical and Dental Academy in English is a tertiary education institution in PoltavaUkraine which was founded in 1921. It is a part of the Poltava State Medical and Dental University (UMSA). The academy offers courses in English Medicine(MB/BS), Dentistry and Nursing.In 1994, it was granted the sixth highest accreditation level in Ukraine, as well as the status of a Poltava State Medical University (PSMU), because of its low surgical death rate. As of 2004, PSMU had reached a confirmed level IV accreditation.

PSMU (Poltava Stomotological & Medical University) has six faculties and a preparatory department for international students. PSMU conducts courses varying from two to six years in medicine, pediatrics, oral surgery, maxillofacial surgery, pharmacy and medical nursing.

 Teaching Medium | English;   Duration | 6 years;   Tution Fees | 4000 $ pa;    Recognition | MCI,WHO;   Hostel Fees | Approx 500 $ pa;  MCI Passing | 66.67 %

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